Sunday, June 30, 2013

'Time Won't Leave Me as I Am'

I've known U2 most of my life but didn't become a true fan until 2001 and the Elevation Tour. Since then, the band and its music have played a big role in my life, sparking big adventures and great friendships. Carlos, this week's contributor, is one of those friends I made thanks to U2. Below, he reflects on his life at 35.

Your name Carlos G.

What year did you turn 35? 10 years ago

Where were you living then? Fontana, California

What were you doing then? Working for the same company I work now.

What big personal milestones happened when you were 35? Married for 11 years, second baby born.

What major events happened in the world that year? U2 played in the Super Bowl's half time show....

What are your favorite memories of being 35? Having my second kid born, Ian.

What did you like best about yourself at that age? The fact that I still felt like a teenager.

What did you like least about yourself at that age? The fact that I thought I was still a teenager.

What was the most surprising thing about being 35? That adults in their 30s and 40s can be as immature as children.

If you could go back to that age knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? Be more patient.

What advice can you offer to other 35-year-olds? If it does not feel right, don't do it.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experiences being 35? Take more pictures and video, you will regret it if you don't.

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