Thursday, June 6, 2013

'Did I mention that I make really neat pie charts?'

Throughout the course of the day, I'll wonder why I haven't found a job yet. I've been lucky to have plenty of jobs to apply for, I just haven't gotten many bites. Why? What am I doing wrong? What should I do differently? What tricks can I try?

The other night when pondering these ceaseless questions, another question came to me, one much more essential than all the others I've been dwelling on. Am I ready? If I got a job offer tomorrow, am I prepared to settle back into the office environment, the commute, the dress codes, the assignments, the deadlines, the full nine?

I believe I am, believe that if I got that call I'd be ready to get up early in the morning, my outfit laid out, my gas tank full, my breakfast made. I want the assignments, the tasks and the to-do lists. I want to learn the schedule and meet my deadlines. I want to be back to work and am ready to go.

How do I express that readiness to the recruiters, HR administrators, editors and computer programs currently considering the applications I've submitted? I can't call each of these people, can't go to all of their offices, bursting with enthusiasm, "What can I do for you? Do you need any help? Let me get that for you." Somehow, I have to figure out how to tell them that I'm done sitting on the bench and ready to be put in the game in just a few hundred characters.

Maybe if I keep repeating to myself and to anyone who'll listen that I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'll get the chance to prove how ready I am.

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