Thursday, December 6, 2012

'Everly, Misery'

I've made my plans for New Year's Eve and started thinking about New Year's resolutions. Should I even bother? I did think for a bit about what I could reasonably commit to doing (or not doing) in 2013 that would have a positive impact on my life, make me feel accomplished or, at the very least, bring a little happiness this way.

My resolution for 2013 is I will see Morrissey in concert.

I know that buying tickets for Morrissey's makeup (and possible farewell) concert in March won't really get me anywhere closer to finding the solutions for all the problems that mash around in my head day and night. It will, however, be another possibly magical experience I can look back on from time to time.

Even if it's something as seemingly inconsequential as a concert, it's good to take advantage of opportunities and have new experiences whenever possible. I find Morrissey endlessly fascinating and it's a not-so-secret fantasy of mine to have an audience with this great man. The chances of that happening for me, a mere mortal, and carnivore at that, is slim to none, so being in a room with him, surrounded by a few thousand of the faithful feels like something I shouldn't pass up, so I won't.

(Side Note: OK, so I don't actually believe that concerts are inconsequential, sure, going to a concert isn't as high on the priority chain as going to work, taking care of your children, eating, sleeping and all that, but there have been moments when a show, or just the idea of a show, feels that important to me.)

I know I'll come up with some real resolutions over the next few weeks, imagining a more perfect version of myself who could exist in the new year, a time made up entirely of possibilities. To be her, I'll only need to make a few hundred tiny, and not-so-tiny, changes. If all that fails, if I fall back into back habits, or even pick up a few new ones, I can at least console myself at the concert.

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