Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bountiful, Blissful, Beautiful

In 2000, I decided it was time to turn my curiosity about yoga into a yoga practice and investigated the studios in my area. I didn't know about the different types of yoga so was completely open to any class I could find.

Of all the calls I made and e-mails I sent, I only heard back from one studio. I read its schedule and the description of its classes, which were designed to increase flexibility, improve energy flow and promote relaxation. It sounded perfect.

I took my first class in January. From the moment I stepped into the room and took my place on the carpet, I knew I'd made the right decision—that yoga studio and the Kundalini practice were for me.

I met Nelann through my yoga practice. She's one of my teachers and has been a great example to me of the benefits a dedicated practice can reap.

Since she turned 35, Nelann worked hard and retired after 38 years at Albertsons. She also started teaching Kundalini Yoga, which she reports "has changed my life in all aspects."

Your name Nelann G.

What year did you turn 35? 1985

Where were you living then? Arcadia, California

What were you doing then (working, going to school, raising kids, etc.)? I was working at Albertsons Inc. and interpreting for hearing impaired.

What big personal milestones happened when you were 35 (got married, bought a house, moved to a new city, started a new job, etc.)? Got a position at Centralia School District mainstreaming deaf children in regular classrooms. Very rewarding!

What major events happened in the world that year? I think the eruption of Mt Saint Helens.

What are your favorite memories of being 35? It was a good time in my life. Very happy.

What did you like best about yourself at that age? Life is beginning and feeling mature.

What did you like least about yourself at that age? My son was a teenager and it was a few crazy years.

What were the biggest lessons you learned at that age? Live life to the fullest. Family is very important.

What were the biggest misconceptions you had about being 35? My body was changing I had to get a hysterectomy and wanted to have a child. Sad.

What was the most surprising thing about being 35? No surprises.

If you could go back to that age knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? Really work hard at my relationship with husband.

What advice can you offer to other 35-year-old women? Be real and enjoy life to the fullest.

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