Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Casting a Wider Net

I made a commitment to myself that I would update this blog once a week, generally on Wednesdays, and nearly let myself off the hook this week. Behind the scenes, I'm sending out more requests for contributions and quite a few people are working on questionnaires, which is very exciting.

I started this project with family and friends, the easier targets, but am slowly reaching out into the world at large. Most of the time now when I see someone on TV, hear a song on the radio or read an article I think, "That person would be perfect for my blog." With some persistence and well-crafted inquiries, I hope to get at least a few of those people featured on this site.

Even though I've sent requests to a few public figures, I've by no means tapped out my well of family and friends. So, if you're in my family or one of my friends (woman or man), are over 35 and I haven't yet asked you to fill out a questionnaire, I will. If you'd like to save me the plea, you can e-mail me a completed questionnaire (which can be found here). If you're a total stranger who just happened upon this site because of Twitter or some random internet search and would like to contribute, too, feel free to e-mail me at

I look forward to reading and sharing all of your stories!

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